Security & Exchange Commission (SEC) - Araneta City


Security & Exchange Commission (SEC)

Level 2 - Ali Mall

Securities and Exchange Commission is the agency responsible for regulating securities and policies for corporations, partnerships and associations in the country.

Services Offered:

  1. Receiving of reportorial requirements
    • Audited Financial Statements
    • General Information Sheet
  2. Monitoring of reporting requirements
    • Audited Financial Statements
    • General Information Sheet
    • Stock & Transfer Book/Membership Book
  3. Processing of Amended Articles
    • Partnership
    • Corporation / Stock or Non-stock
  4. Pre-processing of Increased of Capital
    • Cash
    • Advances
    • Stock Dividends
  5. Securing of Good Standing
  6. Registration of stock & transfer book & membership
  7. Receiving paid application of new corporation through CRS


Store Information

  • Weekdays: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM
  • Weekend: 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM
  • Other locations: Level 2 - Ali Mall
NOTE: Schedule is subject to change depending on government directives.